DAS proposes revised energy rules 

The State Architect’s Office has  proposed rules that modify Chapter 123:4 of the Ohio Administrative Code. These rules respond to H.B. 251 passed by the 126th General Assembly that required energy efficiency standards for state-funded buildings.
In the proposed rules, standards have been established for energy consumption of buildings owned and leased by state agencies, life-cycle cost analysis, certification of building operators, tracking of energy consumption, and procedures to authorize building managers to administer energy installment payment contract projects.
The consumption standard utilizes the Architecture 2030 goals, which were recently adopted by the National Governors Association. This standard for new construction starts with the effective date of the rules at 50 percent reduction from the average commercial building energy efficiency and increases the reduction percentage incrementally until the year 2030, when the standard stipulates buildings must be designed as net zero fossil fuel emitting. The standard for renovations establishes a 50 percent reduction and does not increase over time.

Copies of the proposed rules are available on the Register of Ohio Web site athttp://www.registerofohio.state.oh.us. A public hearing will be held at 9 a.m. Jan. 4 in Conference Room  No. 2793 at the Rhodes State Office Tower, 30 E. Broad St., 27th Floor, Columbus, Ohio, 43215. All interested persons may provide oral or written testimony. Written comments should be sent no later than Dec. 30 to Darren.shulman@das.state.oh.us.